On Sunday late at night September 7th, our Humane Agent was called to a St. Marys, Ohio, residence where she found a 10-year-old mixed breed dog had been bludgeoned with a baseball bat by its caretaker. The dog was lifeless lying in a pool of blood in the bathtub of the owner of the trailer. The dog had been hit multiple times on the head with a wooden baseball bat and left for dead.
The dog was gently taken out of the tub and placed in a carrier and taken to the Humane Society shelter. It was decided by the veterinarian and the assistant to give pain relief and let the dog rest until morning in a warm place. Luckily she did not die in the night and the next day was examined by a veterinarian. The head wounds are massive and it will be a miracle if she survives. All of us have prayed for her, cried with her, and comforted her as much as we can. The rest is up to her. She continues to fight for her life at the shelter .
We have found that her name is Jewels , she is ten, was adopted from the shelter ten years ago. Her owner left her with her estranged boyfriend after leaving with her children. The boyfriend beat and tried to kill the dog to punish the girlfriend for leaving him, and he knew that she loved the dog.
This is the worst case of cruelty and violence against an animal that the Humane Society has witnessed in our 35 years. Even if the "man" is convicted of animal cruelty, there is no justice for Jewels. SLH
The dog was gently taken out of the tub and placed in a carrier and taken to the Humane Society shelter. It was decided by the veterinarian and the assistant to give pain relief and let the dog rest until morning in a warm place. Luckily she did not die in the night and the next day was examined by a veterinarian. The head wounds are massive and it will be a miracle if she survives. All of us have prayed for her, cried with her, and comforted her as much as we can. The rest is up to her. She continues to fight for her life at the shelter .
We have found that her name is Jewels , she is ten, was adopted from the shelter ten years ago. Her owner left her with her estranged boyfriend after leaving with her children. The boyfriend beat and tried to kill the dog to punish the girlfriend for leaving him, and he knew that she loved the dog.
This is the worst case of cruelty and violence against an animal that the Humane Society has witnessed in our 35 years. Even if the "man" is convicted of animal cruelty, there is no justice for Jewels. SLH
I hate to hear this .My neighbor Sylvia Severt dumped their dog in the country,I just dont understand people.I hope that dog is ok.
I read this story in The Lima News. This is terrible. This poor baby. I will keep her in my thoghts & prayers that she recovers and is not afraid of people when she does recover.
Animal cruelty laws need to be more severed. Animals are a part of some peoples family!!
Hugs & kisses to Jewels and MANY MANY prayers!
Although I agree this is a sad story I would think you would have better things to do with your limited funds than spend money on Lima News advertising this. In my opinion, this is a perfect example of why you are not in good standing in the county you represent. Grow up!
You did the RIGHT thing by putting this in the Lima News. Too many people don't know about the abuse animals go through by the hands of heartless idiots. Thank you for letting the public know about this horrific crime. Money well spent.
Too bad the piece of crap that did this to the helpless animal won't be beaten with the same bat ! My donation to the ACHS is on the way.
I found this story horrific. I hope this precious animal can recover and go on with its life. For the evil person who commited this crime, he will pay in his next life.
ANd for the "Grow up" comment madeby another evil person, I think that was rude and un called for and maybe they should donate to the humane society to help out because making stupid comments is not going to help and they should NOT ever own an animal if they are going to say that..ANIMALS ARE LIVING BREATHING THINGS TOO JUST LIKE A HUMAN!!
This is very sad. A grown man takes out his frustrations out on an animal. Makes me wonder if he was beating the girlfriend and the kids to why she left in the first place. If the dog dies then maybe the man should be charged with murder.
How immature and heartless! Someone who would take out their anger on a helpless animal or person should be locked away for life!
Thank God you people work and volunteer for the Auglaize County Humane Society. You have a sometimes thankless job and your work can be very difficult but a lot of people appreciate your time, care, and love you give these animals. I wish all people knew how precious animals are, so again thank you for all of your efforts. Please take great care of Jewel. I wonder if the woman who owned this dog is helping with care and fees ? I am sure that beast who beat the dog isn't helping financially.
I beleive the man who did this to the dog should AT LEAST have to pay for the medical expenses for this dog. Only seems fair.
I read the story in the paper this morning and let me tell you i think the man should be in jail!! I watch the stories on the animal planet of animal cops and how some of those people do horriable things and only get fines, this should change.. I think if enough people get together to ask the papers why they didnt report this when they can report stupid stuff then they most certainly can report on something like this.. hope she does better in her recovery.
I too read this in the paper and I applaud you for taking out an ad and making people aware!
I cannot believe you "anonymous" that said:
"I would think you would have better things to do with your limited funds than spend money on Lima News advertising this. In my opinion, this is a perfect example of why you are not in good standing in the county you represent. Grow up!"
Wow!! I regret that my children/grandchildren have to share a world that has cruel inhumane "people" like you!!
"anonymous" what makes you think they used county funds? I would bet that a person this caring used their own funds to advertise this injustice. Kudos to them. Interesting that you would make such a charge, and then conveniently omit your name. Says volumes about your character. The man who beat this dog should be punished harshly. If he's ok doing this to a defensless animal, I guarentee he will do it to his children, (God forbid he have any). We are praying for you Jewel, and I was told today that there is already a waiting list ready to take you home and nurse you back to health. Signed, Tori Herron. Lima, Ohio
I am the Acting Executive Director of Crossroads Crisis Center, the shelter for Domestic Violence Victims in Lima, OH. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and on Oct. 4th at 9:30am - Noon at Ottawa Metro Park, we are having a Pet Walk. The objective of this event is to raise awareness of the link between Family Abuse, Child Abuse and Animal Abuse. It is estimated that 40% of victims that need to leave an abusive relationship do not do so out of fear of leaving behind their pet. The pets cannot be housed in the shelter. A partnership has been formed between Crossroads and Allen Correctional Institution that will address this problem. The inmates at ACI will house the animals until other arrangemens can be made. The Pet Walk on Oct. 4th, will help to raise money to help with veterinarian cost to keep the pets at ACI. For the $5.00 registration fee, the dog will receive a stenciled scarf to commemorate the event and a doggie treat
The individual who made the ignorant comment about use of funds. apparently he must be relative of the idiot who cruelly beat an innocent animal. otherwise what normal human being would make such an ignorant comment. I just called and the poor baby is doing better and that jerk was in court today.
I can only hope that someone gets to this ignorant b****** and gives him the SAME treatment he gave the dog. People like this deserve just what they give out- maybe THEN it would cut down on animal abuse. This is what is wrong with our country- it starts with animal abuse and escalates from there. Maybe it should be published just when he will be out of the courthouse and what time....wonder how long he would stay healthy?
This is a hard thing to hear about, but I'm glad to see it in the paper. More people need to know of these horrible crimes and then maybe something can be done about them. I only wish you could have published the man's name, so more people would know who the monster is. What can we do to make the laws tougher? This man needs to be PUNISHED. We will be praying for Jewels.
You did the RIGHT thing to put this in the paper. The monster who did this, if he will do such a thing to an innocent animal, is capable of who knows what else for a human being? It's a fact that people who murder often begin by being cruel to animals. I hope he is fined royally so that the money can go for Jewel's care. What a despicable person. Makes me ill to think about!
Email to the Editors of Wapak & St Marys papers,
"I am outraged to find that you didn't find this story "news worthy" Unless cruel attacks like this are publicized...we will never stop this kind of horrendous crime against our domestic pets. Any person who does something like this should be severely punished...unfortunately he will most likely get a suspended sentence or probation.
It would be a very short jump from beating/killing a defenseless small domestic animal in fits of rage to the beating/killing of a defenseless child.
Would you find that "news worthy"?
Acts of animal cruelty need to be publicized! I am making a donation the the Auglaize County Humane Society in "Jewels" name, I just hope that she recovers.
I think the person who would do something like that to an animal or anything living thing has got to have something wrong in their brain!! my first response would be to do the same to the guy who did this and show him how a ballbat feels. but the real issue is keeping animals out of the hands of people like the person who did this. when i read it in the paper it made me want to cry then it made me very angry! what a terrible person they should go to prison for that like they did it to a human at the least!
Thank you to the Auglaize County Humane Society for running this ad. Shame on the others who felt it wasn't important enough.
This idiot's name SHOULD be published so everyone knows who he is. I agree, he should be beaten with the same bat. Tied down & slowly beaten. What a JERK!!! It makes me sick to think that this sweet dog probably once licked this man's face while her precious tail wagged with delight. You know if he did this now, he probably abused her before. I am so angry as I type this. It's so hard to keep it clean with words that can be published. Prayers & love to Jewels and a life of hell to you, a Dog Beating Jerk!!! You deserve nothing in life, hell you don't even deserve life but I'm not the one that will decide that--God will!!
On the news it was said he will face 180 days in jail for this. I agree and think he should be beatin with a bat instead. His time will come to pay the REAL price.
I'm sorry, but whtoever did this to this poor dog deserves the same to happen to him. He's a coward,a punk, and a worthless piece of crap. I hope SOMETHING in the way of justice happens to him. And as for who wrote that you need to "grow up": I hope YOU never need help from anyone, ever. And if you do? May you lie there helpless, hoping for the mercy of a kind soul. Loser. God bless you folks at the Humane Society and God bless Jewel...you who work there have a special place in Heaven.
Very glad to see this published in the paper. But, his name should also have been included. That way someone could give him a proper sentence for his deed ! Maria Stein, O.
I know many think the man that did this to this poor dog needs beaten. But that is probably why he did this. More than likely, he was beaten and abused himself. I'm not sticking up for what he did, but he needs help. No normal person could do this to a helpless animal. I pray the dog gets better,and also that the idiot that did this gets the help he needs.
After reading the article in the LIma News about the MAN(and I use that term loosley) who beat Jewels, my first reaction was that he should be beaten with a bat within an inch of his life, but then that would make me as evil as he. Any person who could do such a horrible thing to a defensless animal is a sick individual who not only needs to serve PRISON time, but have to pay for the medical bills for the animal as well. It is said that a person who is mean to animals will also be mean to humans....Thank good ness she left with her children or she may have been the one laying in the tub along side her children. She should have taken the dog with her as it was a part of her family....a living breathing creation of God. However; I think this person is a spon of Satan so I am sure he will only regret being caught! I agree with the person who said his name should be published. I think he should have to wear a sign around his neck saying what he did and walk back and forth in front of a different animal shelter each day for weeks as part of the punishment. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have some sort of special license plate like drunk drivers, pedafiles and etc. for animal cruelty too! The anger and rage this evil person showed will not compare to the rage and anger God will show him at the end of this wicked old system of things! My prayers are with Jewels! And thank you for publishing this in the Lima News!
The jerk who made the comment about using funds to publish this story is a complete assh--- . This shows you what this world is coming too. Anyone who would beat an animal like this to get back at another person should be sent to jail, made to work in a place such as yours, for free, helping animals. This is a very sad story.
As reported on WLIO.............
24 year old ADAM HECKMAN, of St.
Mary's, pleaded guilty Tuesday to charges of animal cruelty for beating Jewels, and received 180 days in jail. Not enough in my opinion for his sick, evil & twisted act!!!
He needs to be the toilet cleaner in jail & at the parks. And also the pooper scooper at the local shelters because that is all he is good for.
Mr. Heckman is currently incarcerated at the Auglaize County Correctional Center. He was ordered to serve 180 days in jail (maximum allowed by LAW) and is currently incarcerated for these charges. The sentencing order states that work release and probation to be considered upon a receipt of a mental health evaluation & substance abuse evaluation. Part of his probation (if granted) will also include an restitution. We can all learn alot about substance abuse and mental health conditions with this horrid act as well. Prayers to Jewells and all the other mistreated animals in this world!
Below is the response to my email to Mike Burkholder of the St Mary's paper:
"There were untrue statements in the advertisement. The sheriff's office withheld the report from the reporter at the Wapakoneta Daily News. Had this information been provided to us, we would have reported on the item. Also, no one from the Humane Society contacted either office regarding the incident. I would encourage you to contact the humane society to ask why if they felt it was newsworthy, they did not alert the media."
Mike Burkholder
Managing Editor
The Evening Leader
102 E. Spring St.
St. Marys, OH 45885
419-394-7202 (fax)
I am "shocked" over the evil this man showed! If he will do this to an animal, he would do this to a child! When is the people responsible for the laws going to wake up? Evil goes on because it CAN! All they get is a slap on the wrist and off they go! He needs to be given a long jail sentence and a stiff fine, which in turn should be given to ACHS for the care of "Jewels" and others like her! My animals ARE just like my children! I would NEVER leave one of them in a situation like this! "Jewels'" owner is partly to blame too! (WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?) Hats off to ACHS for bringing this to our attention!
AND TO THE PERSON WHO THINKS YOU SHOULD SPEND YOUR MONEY ON OTHER THINGS.....This is EXACTLY what their money should be spent on! Out of site, out of mind, is your mentality! I bet you'd change your mind if you took ONE day out of your entitled life to care for this injured and abused animal! Put your money where your mouth is and make a donation....I know I am and I encourage everyone out there to do the same! GOD BLESS YOU!
This article made me sick to my stomach! Mr. Hickman needs to be locked up for as long as possible! Animals are living, breathing beings and they deserve so much more...otherwise why even have them, if you won't commit to their care? But the laws (right now) seem to say that as long as "they" have food, water, and shelter, then there is nothing ACHS or others can do! (They don't even say that the water has to be CLEAN or FOOD cannot be spoiled! THESE LAWS NEED TO BE CHANGED NOW!!!! Case in point that I heard about.... A male black lab in Waynesfield that has NOT been out of his TINY pen in 4 years! He barely has room to turn around! He paces back and forth in his urine and piles of poop trying to get away from all of the flys and other insects & fleas, let alone the filth! What did he ever do to deserve this kind of treatment? He gets NO attention from his owners! The only attention he gets is from his kind neighbors who treat his fly bitten, bloody ears and give him a loving scratch on his nose through his chain link PRISON! What a life! One of the neighbors actually FEED & WATER him.... otherwise he would be left to die! Noone seems to care! Death would be better for this poor young Lab! ACHS has been called many times by numerous people about this dog to no avail. The neighbors actually cleaned the pen once and got 4 full garbage bags of poop out of this small area! And it's all dirt...no bedding of any kind! These owners should receive the same treatment! I feel so much for Jewels, but at least she has a chance for surviving! How many more are there out there? Someone has to be an advocate for these animals! We have looked the "other way" for way too long!
Wow, this is getting a bit out of hand. How can anyone blame the animal owner for leaving the dog there. You don't know anything about the case or what she may have been thinking. She put her children and herself first...what a mother does. NO ONE should ever blame her not knowing any of the circumstances. I"m sorry but if I were in a position to have to chose between my children and my pets....while I love my pets very much...without a doubt, I'd save my children. The pettiness going back and forth with the paper and the press is simply ridiculous. Its sad to see. If a report is held from them...how are they to write a story about it???? If you don't know the circumstance..don't criticise.
The ACHS thrives on pettiness. They simply cannot get along with others.
Ditto! I agree. There are too many opinions and not many facts from many of the bloggers. Making judgements is sad. If the sentence is not acceptable to you (even though he was maxed out) I encourage you to send letters to our legislature.
Why do things always turn away from what is important and turn into bickering. This has nothing to do with anything the ACHS has done or is doing with the community. They are a great service, forget the politics for once. This is about a poor animal that got the he** beat out of her buy some imbecile. Who is to say he doesn't beat humans if he beats innocent dogs. Hmm one to ponder huh? Great job on publishing ad, the papers are always slow. Excuses. Wonderful job on helping these poor dogs. And no I do not work there, I have adopted there twice. My current little girl is from there. Keep up the great job and Kudos to you. God be with Jewel and all those mistreated, abused, forgotten and dumped animals out there.
My cousin Adam beat the dog. I personally want to kick his ass, as I am an avid animal lover and am particularly fond of dogs, but that is another matter entirely. Each and every one of you psychos that thinks someone should be beaten with a bat for doing the same to another living thing doesn't really have sympathy for the originally abused creature, because it surely would not want something else to go through that. That he deserves it is not the issue; that you think what he did is wrong and then turn around and condemn him to the same fate shows how stupid you truly are.
As for the Humane Society, they were quite shitty with Sherri and Adam's mother when they went to visit Jewels, to the point of accusation. This is the same Humane Society that cannot afford the upkeep of the animals they are already taking care of, and that require a $25 payment when you bring in strays. In knowing this, the Lima News ad was a waste of money regardless. The Humane Society can't afford it, and if it was paid for from personal funds then wouldn't the money have been better spent in donations towards the HS?
I also used to work for the Daily News, and both Bill and Mike are good guys. They are responsible to a parent company in Canada, firstly, and semi-conservative feminazi (and yes, they do exist) of a publisher secondly. They cannot print anything without a solid basis in fact for fear of libel, which I am assuming the ad was full of.
For the record, Adam never beat Sherri or the kids. He did beat a man she was cheating on him with pretty badly, but the guy was in bed with her when Adam got home and he was able to leave on his own. He has also had his ass kicked numerous times because of the lies Sherri told her family and friends about their relationship, and from some amount of men she was cheating on him with. She was living off of the ridiculous child support he had to pay when they were off (a love-hate and on-again, off-again relationship), and strung him along while she was engaged to a much wealthier man.
He also suffered numerous forms of mental, and, to a lesser degree, physical abuse as he was growing up.
In addition, he is a baptized and struggling Christian. He has borderline personality disorder, and has been literally demon-possessed. He had an exorcism.
Don't assume from one posting by a cynical person that you know this person is a piece of shit. He is, in several respects and for several reasons, but he is also a good person, deep down, who has to struggle with finding a moment's worth of sanity every day. He is lost, at rock bottom, and sobering up in jail, a place he has been before. In his last stay, also due to something stupid he did because of Sherri, he said, "Man was not meant to be caged like an animal." If this punishment isn't the most suitable, I'd love to hear a better alternative.
In response to Sylvia Severt dumping her dog. I was told her husband Dale did this and the dog was killed. I tried to stop them. I told all the neighbors and hopefully this does not happen again with Sylvia Severt. PC
Sylvia Severt st marys ohio lives behind me and she told the neighbor in the brick house her husband dale did dump the dog. We better watch her.sue
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